Change/Cancel Fees
Change fees-
If you change something your trip, dates, resort, cruise, rooms, anything that is in your control we do charge a change fee of $100 per adult. This does not count if the change was outside of your control.
Cancel Fees-
If a trip is cancelled by you and not the supplier or destination there will be a fee of $100 per person up to trip cost of $5,000. Anything over $5000 for all inclusive or cruise is $150/person. This must be paid before the agent will cancel the trip.
European Tours (Non-Custom Trip) - $150/person
Custom Built Trips (Greater than $5,000 Trip Cost) - $200/person
These fees can be turned in to insurance if you have it. If the trip is cancelled by the supplier this fee is waived.
**Fees are non-refundable and does not go toward the trip cost**