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Group Cruises & Tours
Croatia Yacht Cruise 2025
Alaska June 2025
Alaska July 2025
Christmas Markets River Cruise 2025
Viking Voyages | 2024-2026
Viking River Voyages | 2024-2026
Viking Ocean & Expedition Voyages | 2024-2026
Alaska June 2026
Alaska August 2026
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Travel Insurance
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Tasha's Travel Shop
Lets Go Cruise
Alaska July 2026
Alaska August 2026
Alaska August 2026
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2020 Travel Survey
Thank you for taking the time to help us enhance our level of service to our clients. Your opinion is valuable in helping us maintain a striving business, especially in uncertain economic times. Please complete this survey by June 15, 2020 and include your contact information to be entered into a drawing for $100 in store credit towards your favorite local small business.
Indicates required field
1. Have you worked with a Pack & Play Travel advisor previously? If yes, please select an advisor below. If no, please select one of the alternative options.
Tasha Stahl
Candy Couey
Jeannie Rainford
Felishia Koerner
I have an advisor from another agency
2. Do you prefer to work with a travel advisor? Select all that apply.
Yes, I like working with someone who knows what they are doing and has proper industry knowledge.
Yes, I just don't have time to look for the best places at the best rates and not get scammed.
Yes, I am willing to pay a small fee (under $100) in order to save time and have the added value.
No, it's easy to find my own deals and I don't want to pay any additional fees.
No, I am well traveled and know what I am doing.
No, I don't travel much.
Other (please explain in the comment box below)
Additional Comments:
3. How soon do you think you'll feel comfortable traveling THROUGHOUT the United States?
My bags are packed, I have one life to live!
I will likely travel in the US within the next six months via car or plane while taking all necessary precautions.
I will travel by CAR ONLY (for the time being) when the destinations I want to visit are mostly free of active Covid-19 cases.
I am willing to book now for sometime next year.
I probably won't feel comfortable booking any trips or traveling anywhere until next year (after January 2021).
Other: Please specify in the comment box below.
Additional Comments:
4. Would you be interested in having an advisor work with you to plan a "US Road Trip" for a minimal planning fee (under $100)?
5. How soon do you think you will feel comfortable traveling OUTSIDE of the United States?
Whenever the borders are open!
I am ready and willing to travel to countries without many active Covid-19 cases, while taking proper precautions.
I am willing to book now for travel outside of the US within the next 6 months to a year.
I prefer to travel throughout the US when I am ready, for the next year or so.
Other: Please specify in the comment box below.
Additional Comments:
6. Would you like an advisor to contact you with current and/or future travel opportunities?
Yes (Please visit our website home page www.packplaytravel.com to complete a very brief survey)
7. Do you follow us on Facebook? (facebook.com/packplaytravel)
Yes (Thank you)
Phone Number
I agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials
Welcome Aboard!
Our Agents
Custom Adventures
Group Cruises & Tours
Croatia Yacht Cruise 2025
Alaska June 2025
Alaska July 2025
Christmas Markets River Cruise 2025
Viking Voyages | 2024-2026
Viking River Voyages | 2024-2026
Viking Ocean & Expedition Voyages | 2024-2026
Alaska June 2026
Alaska August 2026
BOOK Excursions now!
Travel Insurance
Design Fees
Lets Go land
Tasha's Travel Shop
Lets Go Cruise
Alaska July 2026
Alaska August 2026
Alaska August 2026
New Page